But What is your country Madam?
Faux leather, suitcase, foam, cardboard, Muslim Showers 70 cm x 56 cm x 29 cm
But What is your country Madam? Installation View, Subcontingent, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Torino 2006
Can you Take off Your Shoes Please
Can you take off your shoes please 71.1 x 76.2 x 60.9 cm Rexine clad Fiberglass Suitcase, Cast Aluminium , wood, cardboard and fabric 2005
1001 Storeys
Rexine Clad Fibreglass suitcase, electroplated muslim showers, audio circuit, wood and fabric | 81.2 x 66 x 114.3 (h) | 2008
1001 Storeys Rexine Clad Fibreglass suitcase, electroplated muslim showers, audio circuit, wood and fabric | 81.2 x 66 x 114.3 (h) | 2008
1001 Storeys and Shabbir | Installation View, Arabian Delight, Rohtas Gallery Lahore| 2008
Shabbir Rexine clad Fiberglass suitcase, electroplated and cast brass, wood and fabric | 91.4 cm x 81.2 cm x 71.1 cm | 2008
Shabbir Detail 2008